DIY MP5 Player & Convert Old Normal TV To Smart TV

Old Normal TV Convert Smart TV

DIY MP5 Player & Convert Old Normal TV To Smart TV

Hello friends, do you also have an old CRT TV which looks something like this? Today we are going to convert this old TV into a smart TV, for which we will need some electronics components. You can also order these components online.

  • MP5 Player Kit – 
  • Switch – 
  • Micro Charging Port – 
  • Lead Wire connector female Socket – 

This is the circuit diagram of this MP5 Player device –

normal tv convert smart tv

DIY devies and normal tv convert smart tv

You will have to solder these components according to the circuit diagram given below, if you do not have a soldering iron or you do not know how to solder, then you can get it done by going to a nearby mobile or TV repair shop.





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